Socialization BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
  Sept 03, 2015

As one company-owned Steel Pipe Bakrie & Brothers Tbk, which is one of the steel producers aimed at the consumer area of ​​Southeast Asia, PT. South East Asia pipe Industries (PT. SEAPI) always support and participate in a government program that renewed from JAMSOSTEK to BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (Badan Penyelanggara Jaminan social Ketenagakerjaan). At least, PT. SEAPI also been a member of JAMSOSTEK Since 1999.

Shortly, to support and participate in the government program On September 3rd, 2015, PT. South East Asia Pipe Industries (SEAPI) welcomes the arrival of Team BPJS Ketenagakerjaan to PT SEAPI Bakauheni that represented by Mr. Azis Muslim to provide socialization to employees of PT. SEAPI about that program.

The programs of socialized are Program Jaminan Pensiun (JP) BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, The changes of government rule about Jaminan Kematian (JKM), Jaminan Kecelakaan (JK), and Jaminan hari Tua (JHT).

With the socialization of Team Employment BPJS to all employees of PT. SEAPI directly, hope all employees can better understand about that program and the welfare of every employees at PT. SEAPI more secure in old age.